User authorized login

DotWallet provides familiar oAuth login and authorization. The user can authorize the app to access certain basic user information.

Step 1: Prompt user to authorize and get code

The code is used to exchange for an access_token. Each time the user completes an authorization, the code will be a new, different code. The code can only be used once and will expire if not used within 5 minutes.

Redirect the browser view to the following URL, with the following parameters to show the user authorization prompt:

Param Required Description
app_id YES Application ID
redirect_uri YES URL to redirect to after authorization. Must start with http:// or https://

During development do not use localhost for redirect_uri or notice_uri. First find your local IP with the terminal command ifconfig | grep netmask. For example if it is then you can put the redirect. Remember to also go to the DotWallet for Developers Application Settings page, and register http) in the Callback domain field.

The DotWallet authorization page

If the user agrees to authorize, the page will redirect to {redirect_uri}/?code={code}

If the user refuses to authorize, then they will also be redirected to the redirect page, but without the code

Failure example:

  "code": 10003,
  "msg": "redirect_uri is inconsistent with previous setting."

Step 2: Use code to get access token


  • secret and access_token are sensitive, high security information and must only be saved on the server and never sent to the client.
  • Subsequent steps such as refreshing access_token and obtaining user information through access_token must also be initiated from the server.
Param Required Description
app_id YES Application ID
secret YES Application secret key
code YES The code from step one

Example request:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{


Note: "code" here is the error response code. 0 means success

  "code": 0,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN",
    "expires_in": 7200,
    "refresh_token": "REFRESH_TOKEN"

Failure example:

  "code": 10017,
  "data": {},
  "msg": "Login error, invalid code"

Return params description:

Param Type Description
access_token string Access token
expires_in int Time until access token expiry (unit: seconds)
refresh_token string Token used to refresh access_token (see below for more details)

Step 3: Get user information

Param Type Required Description
access_token string YES The access_token from step 2


Note: "code" here is the error response code. 0 means success

  "code": 0,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "user_open_id": "USER_OPEN_ID",
    "user_name": "USER_NAME",
    "user_avatar": "USER_AVATAR",
    "user_address": "1BNPUQAGjAmW9m8cK3HV4Xp3GZLnW1UZ99",
    "pay_status": 1,
    "pre_amount": 800,
    "total_amount": 12000

Failure example:

  "code": 10021,
  "msg": "login error, error retrieving user information, error code: 10021",
  "data": {}

Return params description:

Param Description
user_open_id Global user ID
user_name User's name
user_avatar User's avatar (image URL)
user_address User's wallet receiving address
pay_status Whether to authorize automatic micropayments (0:NO, 1:YES)
pre_amount Maximum amount for single automatic micropayments
total_amount Maximum sum value of cumulative automatic micropayments

Refresh token

Because access_token has a short validity period (7200 seconds), when access_token expires you can use refresh_token to refresh. refresh_token will expire in 30 days. When refresh_token expires, the user needs to re-authorize。

Param Type Required Description
app_id string Application ID
refresh_token string Refresh token from step 2


Note: "code" here is the error response code. 0 means success

  "code": 0,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN",
    "expires_in": 7200,
    "refresh_token": "REFRESH_TOKEN"

Failure example:

  "code": 10303,
  "msg": "refresh access_token error",
  "data": {}

Return params description:

Param Type Description
access_token string Access token
expires_in int Time until access token expiry (unit: seconds)
refresh_token string Refresh token

Validate token

Param Required Description
access_token YES Access token


Note: "code" here is the error response code. 0 means success

  "code": 0,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "status": 1,
    "expire_time": 4010

Failure example:

  "code": 10021,
  "msg": "Login error, user_open_id can not be null",
  "data": {}

Return params description:

Param Description
code Error code
status Token validation status (0: not existent, -1: expired, 1: ok)
expire_time Time until access token expiry (unit: seconds)