Save data on the blockchain with a DotWallet hosted account

This API lets developers store data on the blockchain using a hosted(custodial) wallet account provided by DotWallet. If the developer does not already have a DotWallet hosted wallet, one will be created in step one.

This feature is only supported on BSV.
Data will be saved in the OP_RETURN field of the bitcoin transaction.

Step 1:Query or create account address

If you don't already have a hosted account, this will create one for you and return the address. If you already have an account it will return the address.

Param Type Required Description
appid string YES Application ID
appsecret string YES Application secret key
  • Body params(JSON)
Param Type Required Description
coin_type string YES Example: "BSV". Currently only BSV is supported


Note: "code" here is the error response code. 0 means success

  "code": 0,
  "msg": "ok",
  "data": {
    "coin_type": "BSV",
    "address": "1Mfy9GfxTLePsgRJiBGa6jdTCbMXaPnXXL"

Step 2:Query account balance

Check your account balance before saving data to the chain. If your balance is too low, please transfer some BSV to your wallet address.

Param Type Required Description
appid string YES Application ID
appsecret string YES Application secret key
  • Body params(JSON)
Param Type Required Description
coin_type string YES Example: "BSV". Currently only BSV is supported


Note: "code" here is the error response code. 0 means success

  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "confirm": 2434,
    "unconfirm": 0
  "msg": "ok"

Return params description:

Param Description
confirm Coin balance confirmed on the blockchain
unconfirm Coin balance as yet unconfirmed on the blockchain

Step 3:Save data to the blockchain

Param Type Required Description
appid string YES Application ID
appsecret string YES Application secret key
  • Body params(JSON)
Param Type Required Description
coin_type string YES Example: "BSV". Currently only BSV is supported
data string YES The data to store on the blockchain
data_type int YES The data type of the {data} param (0: string, 1: bitcoin rawhex script)

Example:{ "coin_type": "BSV", "data": "This is a test to put data on the blockchain.", "data_type": 0 }


Note: "code" here is the error response code. 0 means success

  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "tx_id": "4a0225f00d07cef1c48b9be9f1d55e598f37bcac57ab650606eed39829fea3a1",
    "fee": 134
  "msg": "ok"

Return params description:

Param Description
tx_id BSV txid (transaction ID)
fee Miner fee