Manual payment request

Redirect users to their DotWallet to confirm a payment.

Step 1: Merchant creates a payment request

The merchant sends a request to the DotWallet API to create a payment order. This should be done from a backend server.

Parameter Description

Param Required Type Description
app_id YES int Application ID
merchant_order_sn YES string Order ID (recommended: UUID)
item_name YES string Purchased item, product, or service name
order_amount YES int Payment sum (unit: satoshis)
nonce_str YES string Random nonce (recommended: timestamp) to prevent repeated orders
sign YES string Sign the order with merchant application secret key (see: "Merchant signature")
notice_uri NO string Merchant provided server url for receiving payment result information (set to receive GET request with params)
redirect_uri NO string Url to redirect the user to after payment completion
opreturn NO string User provided custom OP_RETURN message/data (format: rawhex)
receive_address NO string Receiving wallet address. If left empty will send to app developer's default wallet as per the app settings

During development do not use localhost for redirect_uri or notice_uri. First find your local IP with the terminal command ifconfig | grep netmask. For example if it is then you can put the redirect. Remember to also go to the DotWallet for Developers Application Settings page, and register http) in the Callback domain field.

example request:

See the bottom of this page for details on how to implement a DotWallet signature (examples in js and java)

const orderData = {
  app_id: "89d001043806644fdb4fb14099ff6be5", // replace with your app id
  merchant_order_sn: uuidv4(),
  item_name: "bananas",
  order_amount: 546, // can't be lower than 546
  nonce_str: new Date().toString(),
  notice_uri: "", // replace with your IP
  redirect_uri: "", // replace with your IP
  sign: getSignature(orderData, APP_SECRET),
};"", orderData);

If not using the default, receive_address must be a string that is a valid JSON array of objects such as the following:

    "address": "1MS3HE9M3oEqW81KXp8iK9nBMTGXekdxAP",
    "amount": 622


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "order_sn": "ORDER_SN"

Failure example:

  "code": 10107,
  "msg": "Order payment error,the current order number already exists ",
  "data": []

Return params description:

Param Description
order_sn DotWallet generated order number

Step 2: User confirms payment in DotWallet

After successfully obtaining the order_sn, redirect the client to the DotWallet page for payment confirmation

Desktop clients: redirect to the link below: {order_sn}

Mobile clients redirect to the link below:{order_sn}

The DotWallet payment confirmation page the user will be redirected to:

  • Upon success or failure, the user willbe redirected to redirect_uri. On failure there will be no params. If the payment was successful, the following params will be appended:
Param Type Description
app_id int Application ID
order_sn string DotWallet generated order number from step 1
merchant_order_sn string Merchant generated order ID from step 1
item_name string Purchased item, product, or service name
receive_address string Merchant's receiving address
user_refund_address string User's refund address
order_amount int Payment sum (unit: satoshis)
pay_txid string TXID (bitcoin transaction ID)
status int Order status (0: awaiting payment, 9: paid, -1: payment failed)
nonce_str string Random nonce from step 1
sign string Order signature

Query order status

Param Required Type Description
app_id YES int Application ID
secret YES string Application secret key
merchant_order_sn YES string Merchant generated order ID from step 1


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "",
  "data": {
    "merchant_order_sn": "m1001",
    "amount": 5668,
    "item_name": "A red apple",
    "receive_address": "Your BSV address",
    "pay_time": "2019-11-05 17:56:16",
    "order_sn": "1001",
    "status": 0,
    "create_time": "2019-11-05 17:55:16"

Failure example:

  "code": 10205,
  "msg": "Query order error,order not existed",
  "data": []

Return params description:

Param Type Description
merchant_order_sn string Merchant generated order ID from step 1
amount int Payment sum (unit: satoshis)
item_name string Purchased item, product, or service name
receive_address string Merchant's receiving address
user_refund_address string User's refund address
pay_time datetime Order payment completion time timestamp
status int Order status (0: awaiting payment, 9: paid, -1: payment failed)
create_time datetime Order creation time timestamp

The DotWallet server will send the payment result to the merchant provided notice_uri in a GET request with the following params

Note: op_return data will not be included

Param Type Description
app_id int Global merchant ID
order_sn string DotWallet order number
merchant_order_sn string Merchant order number
item_name string Purchased item, product, or service name
receive_address string Merchant's receiving address
user_refund_address string User's refund address
order_amount int Payment sum (unit: satoshis)
pay_txid string TXID
status int Order status (0: awaiting payment, 9: paid, -1: payment failed)
nonce_str string Random nonce from step 1
sign string Order signature

Merchant signature

Real working code examples of how to cryptographically sign the order with the developer's application secret to generate the sign parameter in step 1

  • NodeJS

Pass in your application secret key as secret
Pass in the order data from step 1 but the signature will ignore the sign and opreturn fields

const md5 = require("md5");
const crypto = require("crypto");

function getSignature(orderData, appSecret) {
  let str = "";
  const secret = md5(appSecret);

  for (let key in orderData) {
    if (key != "sign" || key != "opreturn") {
      if (str) {
        str += "&" + key + "=" + orderData[key];
      } else {
        str = key + "=" + orderData[key];

  str += "&secret=" + secret;
  str = str.toUpperCase();

  const sign = crypto
    .createHmac("sha256", secret)
    .update(str, "utf8")

  return sign;
  • Java

Pass in your application secret key as secret
Pass in the order data from step 1 but ignore the sign and opreturn fields

 protected String getSignature(Map<String, Object> orderData,String secret) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        String md5Secret = Md5Utils.encode(secret);

        for (Map.Entry entry : orderData.entrySet()) {
            String key = (String) entry.getKey();
            Object value = entry.getValue();

            if ("SIGN".equals(key.toUpperCase()) || "OPRETURN".equals(key.toUpperCase())) {

            if (value instanceof List) {
                sb.append(key + "=" + JSON.toJSONString(value) + "&");
            } else {
                sb.append(key + "=" + (value + "") + "&");
        sb.append("secret=" + md5Secret);
        return Sha256Util.hmacSha256(sb.toString().toUpperCase(), md5Secret);
  • Test case

    • Input

        "nonce_str": "1593312690806",
        "merchant_order_sn": "b023e54b-cfbe-4bc3-9444-5b7728e973a3",
        "order_amount": 10000,
        "sign": "",
        "notice_uri": "",
        "item_name": "A red apple",
        "opreturn": "This is a lovely apple",
        "redirect_uri": "",
        "app_id": "5a192d599b0be66bdb2ef72784acb0f8",
        "receive_address": "[{"address":"1","amount":444},{"address":"2","amount":555},{"address":"3","amount":666}]"
      }, E9873D79C6D87DC0FB6A5778633389F4453213303DA61F20BD67FC233AA33262
    • Output
      sign : b71557823ce2b25d07fb186368999181